Delhi Dogs And Agra Dogs

Delhi Dog Sleeping
Delhi Dog Sleeping

As we all know, dogs rest and sleep in all kinds of attitudes – paws crossed, head on paws, curled up, and every variation thereof. But someone in the dog kingdom seems to have passed a special message on to Delhi dogs – of whom there are many – and so far as we could see they all sleep with backs gently arched and legs gathered up, flat and almost two-dimensional.

Second Delhi Dog Sleeping
Second Delhi Dog Sleeping

This is unlike Agra dogs, who sleep in a variety of positions.

Agra Dog Sleeping
Agra Dog Sleeping

While looking through the photographs we took in India, I came across one that I had taken in Darjeeling. There are an inordinate number of dogs there, and here you can see some of them in their favorite repose – sleeping flat out on the ground.

Sleeping Dogs In Darjeeling
Sleeping Dogs In Darjeeling