Photographing Musical Instruments

clarinet against dark background

Originally published December 8, 2008

An image that captures the best possible view of the subject to show the viewer what the thing looks like in reality is called a record image.

Then there’s an impressionistic photo that captures the feel of the subject. And for that, the viewer has to already have an idea of what the subject is.

And the photographer has to make some decisions that reflect what they want to capture.

This is a photo of a clarinet. What is the best way to show it?. The photo is only part of the instrument because showing the whole thing would mean a long, skinny image without much in most of it except a dark background. That said, a dark background helps to show the luxury of the materials. Should the instrument run across horizontally or should it run diagonally? And if diagonally then should it run from top left or top right? What feels more natural bearing in mind that most people are right handed?