‘Birds On The Blog’ Profiles Tamara As A Wonderful Woman Blogger

More Than Six Hundred Million Websites

Before I get into writing about women bloggers – and one woman blogger in particular – let me give you some background about websites in general.

As we know, there are millions of websites on the world wide web.

In fact, the website of Netcraft – an ‘Internet research, anti-phishing and payments card industry security service’ – reveals that as of February 2012, there are more than six hundred million websites worldwide (612,843,429 to be precise).

More Than Four Hundred Million Inactive Websites

Of course, some of those sites have not been updated for a while and, reports Netcraft, there are over 400 million inactive websites.

Among the sites that are recorded as inactive there will be some that are just links to other sites or simple pages of information that do not need to be updated.

Whatever the reason, the content has remained the same for a while and Netcraft records these sites as being inactive.

The bottom line is that there are approximately 184 million active websites.

Measuring The Level Of Activity For Active Websites

Alexa is a Web information company that provides information about websites including rankings, internet traffic statistics and other metrics.

It monitors the level of activity of the 30 million most active websites worldwide.

At the present time, Alexa ranks Birds On The Blog (BOTB) – a UK website written by a group who describe themselves as ‘business women with something to say’ – in the top half percent of those 30 million websites.

Keep in mind that refers to websites of all kinds, not just blogs.

Why I Am Saying All This

The reason I am telling you this is to give some context for what Sarah Arrow – the managing editor of BOTB – had to say about my wife Tamara recently.

To usher in the new year, Sarah wrote a lead article in Birds On The Blog under the title 101 wonderful women bloggers for 2012.

Among those bloggers, she profiled Tamara as one of the wonderful woman bloggers high up in the article under the following description:

“Tamara Colloff-Bennett writes on the Quillcards blog (a Lonely Planet featured blogger). Wonderfully eclectic mix of thoughts on travel, literature, architecture, the environment, and ethical causes…”

How We Came To Hear About The Article

Angela Boothroyd runs an English study site for speakers of other languages. She also writes at Online English Lessons, and Tamara and I often read her entertaining articles about phrasal verbs. She is also a contributor to BOTB.

It was Angela who kindly contacted me to ask whether I had seen Sarah’s article in BOTB. I hadn’t, but of course I read it and then told Tamara about it.

In fact, I recommend you take a look at the article and the links to the other 100 women bloggers.


Tamara didn’t court the recognition, nor ask for it – which makes it all the nicer that she was given this recognition, don’t you think?